Daily Agenda

Today my team and I are working to complete our user journey map. This task seems to be pretty straight forward as I look at it more and more. Each one of us are helping to complete it as long as we get blogs done as well. We are all also trying to get our team value up as well because we could use as much money as possible. In the end we want to create something that we could admire and see something that will really help us which is the user journey map. Adding on, the harder we work then the faster the map will be finished.


What seniors are doing today  to fix their food problem is either going to a store by themselves if they are able to or having a family member do that. In the end that is not efficient and the family member would get mad as well. Another way would also be using another service like grunhub or Ubereats which is efficient but might not be the healthiest. These seniors are also using restaurants directly which also solves the problem but not in the best way.

Daily Agenda

Today my group and I had a meeting to start our day off so we could get organized. After all, we decided Brahm will be working on MVP under your instruction. Adding on, I will be finishing the competition up as well while Max starts to draw out ideas for our website. I believe the progress my team and I are making great progress with our tasks such as blogging and adding detail to our MVP and competition. After all, I feel as though my team and I could do really well with our app and product essentially. In the end all of these parts can come together to build something special.

Team Effectiveness

As my team and I look to improve our overall skills in this class we really focused on coming together as one in a team. What we meant by this was looking at team effectiveness. Somebody always needs to be working or in a group because that’s how work gets done and we become a better group. We also looked at how to create a mass amount of money while getting tasks done, I saw this as being very important due to the money it creates. My team and I are very hardworking but at times things get difficult so we need to keep the same energy and keep going.

Our Competition

Our teams competition is very distinct when looking at it in the end because they are all similar in ways. The first one is Mom’s Meals which is fresh made meals that are delivered nationwide but take a very long time to deliver. The next one I saw was Meal Pro which focuses on a meal plan that’s for nutrition only. But looking at that, not all people are going to want that. Also Personal Chef is another one but this one focuses on fully prepared meals that just need to be heated up and then you can eat them. One of the most heard ones is Meals On Wheels which is the largest national food delivery service nationwide which will be hard to beat or make a few customers that use that use my company.

What I Did Today

Today my group and I held a meeting to see what everyone needed to get done. Brahm was in the MVP meeting to learn what that is all about and I was further helping Max with the proposal. I also found that I would be going to the competition meeting when that takes place. Adding on to that we wanted to really see how we could make our company better than ones that already exist. Whether its price or the delivery or the taste of the food because I think that’s what could make our team really stick out. In the end that’s really the most important.


Today my group and I really looked at competition and further looked at how we could be better and make things more efficient. As we completed this task we found that our prices could be lower and make it more efficient. I found this company called Sun Basket which was very good but I saw that they don’t have a meal plan that’s customizable which I think is huge for this idea. I also saw that the time the delivery comes is absolutely horrible so we could capitalize on that in the end because that will create a mass amount of people using it.

Empathise phase with questions

My group and I came up with some questions to interview someone in their life that is an elderly person that is struggling with health. The first one is does your elderly loved one have access quality food and if how. This will help with the situation of the people and their family. Another one is the way these people get it efficient. I think that is also very important for this idea. Also, can these people handle technology at all to benefit them. And the family members should be asked if they are in touch with their loved one. All in all, I believe these questions can really spark up at good interview at this faze.

Application Of Design Thinking

My hypothetical company is a more efficient fast food ordering process. The way I would apply this is by using the design process to organize and set up the steps of using this process. The first step would be to Empathize, I would further build on this step by researching the customers that go into fast food restaurants and are not happy with the efficiency process of ordering their food. This would also fall into the second step which is defining those customers problems which I already stated. Ideate comes next which basically starts to state ideas in which could help my problem and in the end create assumptions. Then I will be able to create a prototype which would be some sort of kiosc that would speed up up the process of ordering and become a solution. The final step would be to test this kiosc and get feedback on how well it worked from customers. In the end design thinking should always be used when thinking of a startup.

Concept Map

 During my time while building this concept map I encountered  a few challenges that led me to work a little more than I should have. At first I didn’t know how the concept map should have been set up because there were four blogs to talk about. I then realized that the main topic was blog so I could make that my main topic and have the different blogs as details. Adding on, I didn’t really comprehend what the different blogs were, so then I couldn’t give them details to further understand them overall. While using the context in the reading I felt more educated about the blogs after reading it over again. I began to really get a grasp of how all four blogs were used or understood after all my details were found.